Soundarya central school students showcased their literary talents at National young author fair story writing competition achieving remarkable success. Students from grade 6 to 8 participated in the competition ,submitting their original creative stories across various genres, themes and age categories. The competition saw a high level of participation, flurry of creative minds, unleashing their imagination and making it a challenging yet regarding experience.
More than 80 students published the stories and are thrilled to have their own book in their hands there by showcasing themselves as an young budding author .The competition provided a valuable platform for young authors to develop their creative writing skills, to explore their imagination, experiment with different writing styles and to build confidence .The school congratulates all the participants for their hard work and dedication and to continue exploring their literary passion and strive for excellence in their writing journeys.
Chinmayee J of Grade 7 was awarded with a Silver Star for the Best Selling Genre