Governing Council

Soundarya P Manjappa
Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.
― Nelson Mandela
I am delighted that you have considered Soundarya Central School and look forward to meet you and your family as you begin the quest of finding the right school for your child. School’saspiration is students’ success in their life. It offers a wide variety of challenges to enjoy and learn .It is our belief that school should be the experience of a life time memories
We are proud of our continuous goal of providing an excellent education for our students. We have a dynamic, hardworking faculty who are involved in education to benefit the students.

Mrs Sunitha P Manjappa
Managing Director
Soundarya Central School has been imparting education over the years with the same mission and zeal. It is committed to develop students of high academic caliber, intellectual curiosity and strong moral character. As a result, year after year, the school sends out into the world respectful, responsive, responsible and compassionate young adults who are ready to tackle the challenges that they will face in their lives.
The school’s environment reflects the world in which our students will live and work. Beyond mastering academic disciplines our students are taught to respect all people, to be honest with themselves and others, put forth maximum effort and lend a helping hand to the needy whenever required.

Mr .Keerthan kumar
We are a friendly and happy school with a strong sense of community. Respect, tolerance, creativity, and independent learning are a priority at Soundarya Central School. We understand that a good education is not only about exam results, but also the emotional and social development of our children.
We strongly believe in the principles of unity in diversity, nurturing values with a positive approach and to help students realise their dreams.
The school takes on the responsibility of nurturing children and helps open their minds to the wonders of life. All of you are special and we want you to take pride in achievements.
Every member of our school is encouraged each day to actively participate in all school events and activities and to bring in a positive difference in their own lives and of those around them.

Mr.Varun Kumar
Managing Trustee
Welcome to the Sports World!!!
Sports and games are enticing. It is a means of entertainment, physical activity, energy and strength. At Soundarya, we place tremendous value in the phrase “Never give up”. We believe that participating in sports not only builds character but also helps to establish a sense of “Pride and Determination”.
The mission of our Sports department is to use it as a tool to teach students the life skills to become productive citizens, both on & off the field of play. Many of the lessons learned on the playing field today become important building blocks for the future of our students. Our program strives to promote and reinforce principles of good sportsmanship by focusing on five core values: Teamwork, Integrity, Greatness, Effort & Enthusiasm, Respect, and Sacrifice.
SCS is immensely proud of all of the achievements and laurels all our excellent teams have brought to the school and would like to inform you that we will continue to support of our students always.

K. Mathai
MA(Pub Admin),LLM, KAS (Rtd)
Director Administration
Welcome to Soundarya Central School Our philosophy of education has always been meeting the needs of the individual child. Children acquire skills and knowledge easily if we can make the surrounding stimulating and purposeful. In the 21st century, the Digital Revolution affects us all. Quite simply, it is changing everything: a brilliant barrage of information, entertainment companionship and education is speedily available. In such a surrounding when work and effort is valued, the child’s self-esteem is heightened, and from this results self-motivation. We try to understand and work with each child, and we firmly believe that it is our responsibility to enable the child in our care to develop his/her all round personality to the fullest
In this era of cut throat competition, it is of great importance to impart an integrated education to the future citizens of the Nation for successfully facing multitasking. The Soundarya Central School lay special emphasis on both co-curricular and extra-curricular activities providing students an edge over others to be a leader in their respective field of activity. The wheel would also be a true reflection of all these diverse achievements and progresses made and being made by the school in fulfilling the coveted goal of imparting disciplined and quality education.
Our goal at SCS is to provide an enriching, engaging, and challenging curriculum that will prepare students for success today and in future. We believe that students, parents and teachers all play a vital role in helping students reach their greatest potential. Students are encouraged to take advantage of the many resources available to them- their teachers, the library, the computer labs, and the smart classes.
To channelize the creative aspect of the child the school has come up with the school magazine. This is not just a means for a school to communicate its thoughts but it also highlights the success and achievement of its pursuits. It gives an insight to one’s thoughts and creativity through varied expressions. Our children have been able to leave their imprint in the path they have walked till now and the school has carved a niche of its own in the educational hub.
The school where the quality matters the most we have tried to reflect the kaleidoscope of learning, adventures, creativities and positive approach of our young minds through writing and drawings. I hope this effort of our minds will serve as a stepping stone towards the many miles stones we have to cover in pursuit of excellence.