Soundarya Central School

SEWA initiative at SCS

“Sadhana and Seva must go hand in hand. Be good and Do good”

“Through our SEWA initiative at Soundarya Central School, under the motto ‘Gift a Book, Gift a Future,’ we donated books to Sparsha Trust Nisarga Grama Hesaraghatta on April 3, 2024, with enthusiastic student involvement. SEWA aims to holistically develop students, fostering intellectual, personal, social, emotional, and ethical growth. Our approach emphasizes experiential education, transcending traditional classroom boundaries to instill lifelong learning and empathy. Participants were encouraged to engage with society through meaningful experiences, inspiring them to be compassionate citizens. Witnessing the impact on children, students expressed gratitude and a desire to continue supporting them in the future.”

#SEWAInitiative #GiftABookGiftAFuture #SoundaryaCentralSchool #CommunityEngagement #soundaryacentralschool #cbse #studentlife